terça-feira, 29 de abril de 2008



Voltamos a lingua de Camoes!! YAY! Sim, eu AINDA sei falar portugues razoavelmente e nao, eu nao tenho sotaque ingles quando falo outra lingua.

Ok, o que e que se tem passado?? hmmm...nada. Tenho estudado,estudado, feito relatorios, praticas, GBU, Hall Group, testes, mini-testes, testes para os quais estudei desalmadamente e no fim descobri que nao contavam para nota,Igreja, estudado, etc etc. Vida interessante, nao?!

A parte mais interessante desde que cheguei deve ter sido o takeaway chines+musica da disney+musica de criancas em geral e o passeio de 5 horas de ontem que me deixou completamente de rastos fisicamente...Mas foi util para afastar a culpa de nao fazer exercicio durante, pelo menos, as proximas 3 semanas. O tempo esteve fantastico e os parques e lagos que vimos valeram a pena (ver fotos)!

Igualmente importante o jogo de futebol Cardiff Uni Christin Union vs Swansea Uni CU...Uma palavra: abada...Demos 5 a 0 aos meninos de sotaque esquisito e eles nao jogaram nada. Tudo com amor entre irmaos (excepto algumas entradas "ligeiramente" violentas pela parte do nosso capitao Pete Evans que pareceram tudo excepto abracos e comunhao entre irmaos...)

Esta e a ultima semana de aulas oficialmente e depois tenho exames. Voo no dia 29 de maio de volta para Big Navy e nao serei mais caloira...sad sad

Pronto...acho que e basicamente isso que tinha em mente para esta narrativa... O importante sao as fotos, really...

Beijos e Abracos

Cisnes em Roath Park lake

Sarah fighting a swan

Roath Park tiny river

CU Varsity: Cardiff CU x Swansea CU

Cardiff CU support team
Riacho: Heath Park
Heath Park
Roath Lake

quarta-feira, 16 de abril de 2008

First entry after hols

Right then, so a new post after holidays (YAY!). I'm writing it in English cause it's how my head is working now and I can't be bother to translate things now as I am almost falling asleep in front of my laptop.

So back in Cardiff after 3 wonderful weeks in the "discoveries land". Really nice to see some of you guys although I havent seen some people I was looking forward to which made me sad.
Anyway, thank you for all the care and love when I was there.

Cardiff is in the same place and looking the same except for the sun that decided to appear but that's going away this friday.

Just came back from CU meeting which was quite good. Peter Baker (yeah, the guy that saved my mum's housemate from dying in the sea - what a tiny small world), senior pastor at Highfields spoke about about suffering and Job. Very good indeed! This was followed by tea and cookies which are much apreciated by me (specially when I'm so hungry as I was).

One thing we found out this monday was that Dave (friend of mine)was leaving this uni and his Biology course to go and learn Teaching to special needs kids. A sad notice 'cause he is a great guy, but will come to visit :) With this, some housing stuff may change but you'll be informed when it is definitive.

Right, and I think it is it! Loads of work to get on to as usual and exams coming soon.

Hope its everything great in the sunny (oh wait...)/ cloudy land


P.S.: Just a quick reference to you, guys. It worths to call the radio station when there is some contest goin on. One of the things I found out this week. Mr. Sabbo called and won a ticket to Estoril Open and got to see Federer...such luck annoys me!!