First of all: thanks all for the comments on the last post! Love you all guys.
Second: you may be wondering ( I know you are and if not...just wonder now)"why is she writing in English again?" Well, the answer is:don't know!
My first post in English was written a couple of months ago when some people almost cried because they wanted me to write in Shakespeare's language. Well, here you have it again.
Well, as some of you said I am becoming "Britanized". Let's make a point clear here: I am not! However there are some things that I am adopting, really... I thing the most shocking one is that I now actually take milk in my tea!! Yep, I know that seems weird but it actually tastes nice (don't try to have milk with mint tea, though...it's just awful). And I'm having about 3 teas a day, in average (shocking!). Oh, and apparently I now have a british accent (according to David who suddenly seems to have developed the strongest american accent ever!) and many people make fun of me because of this...ok, ok, I'll stop.
Ok, moving on...(what was I supposed to write about...hmmm..oh yeah)my life in Wales. Life is going very well!!
This term I have done less work (true) but I'm much happier! I am actually getting to know people better and just hanging out with friends. People have been awesome, really!I think I'll have really good friends here.
About CU...well this was one of the most commented things on the last post which is really great!It's really good that people realise that we have to do our part! Not that God would not do His will if we didn't. It is written that even rocks could do it. But He has chosen us to reach others and think: what a privilege that is!!!We just have to trust that He will save and no one is too far away from Him.
We had AGM last week and voted the new committee.Our prayer is that they may continue the work the last committee has done and help us serve God as He wants to be served.
As it was read at the AGM :"For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."(1 Corinthians 2:2) That's what we have to do: know nothing except Christ crucified..
I could not finish this post without speaking about the Kids Party!! Yep, that's right! Rachael, Rebecca, Sophie and Mark organized a party for freshers and hallgroup leaders on saturday (St.David's day, apparently) where there was a boucy-castle (yeah, cry now!mwahahah...I am imagining your jealous - in the most godly way possible - faces right now), kids games, food, etc. So much fun! Just felt 5 years younger!
Right...so I'm sitting here with my cup of tea (yep, just had one), the Martini's Applications Manual open on page 170 - "COPD: Asthma, Bronchitis and Emphysema" and an essay of 1600 words to write, trying to think about what else do I have to tell you...Oh! Quick reference to last Sunday’s evening sermon. Dai Hankey preached the third sermon of King Jesus series: Crucified King. Really good. Next week it will be about Evolution vs Creation (btw, heard that Adauto Lourenco book was really good: read it!).
Hmmm...I think that's pretty much it, really. It was a beautiful sunny day in Cardiff today so rejoice with me!!
P.S.: You know what I think about comments... Please leave one!
P.S 1.: Apologise for any spelling or grammar mistakes... :S
terça-feira, 4 de março de 2008
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7 comentários:
Well Well , I personaly wouldn`t do better ! Hope that you don`t forget completely the Camoes language !!It might be helpfull for holidays...ask for a robalo grelhado ... or ...tosta mista ...??!
I`m very glad that you are getting involved and enjoying life! It makes things less painful for you and us !
We knew since the beginning this would be the way to go but we also knew that it would require great bravery and determination.
Hope that you enjoy every single hour and use all the oportunities that lovely city and country gives you to grow in all fields in a balanced way .
Proud of you .
With love . Dad
Hehe - I think it's so weird the way Europeans don't have milk in their tea! I mean.. yuck!
much love
Hehe - I think it's so weird the way Europeans don't have milk in their tea! I mean.. yuck!
much love
Didn't spot a single spelling mistake.... but then again I'm just an average South Africanised English lady who gets laughed at because of her accent and only knows how to use F7 for checking spelling ;o)
I do have to say in the defense of the Shakespeare language that when I use F7 I do set it to UK English and not USA English so David is on his own there (tell him that for me *hehe*)
Always great to hear stories of God's people spread all over God's world living God's promises !
As your dad says - enjoy every last bit of it for your path is in God's hands !
Here I am!
Mas não vou falar na linguagem de Shakespeare e sim na de Camões, não fosse uma dorzita de cabeça e o cansaço final de semana!
Chá!! muito british sem dúvida!bahh...inda por cima com leite. Quanto a isto ficava-me pelo leite...
Aahh quero ver esse british accent, eu gosto!! Ora essa, eu não farei gozo disso...=)
De facto é um privilegio falar de Jesus a outros, e k nada nos possa impedir de o fazer, seja onde for!!
Pera aí, primeiro danças no meio da rua e agora......Kids Party!! tb queroooo....=P..hihi
k fix. Sempre bom para desanuviar do stress.
Keep going
Sunny day in Cardiff!!! Isso é extraordinário!!
Fico mesmo contente k estejas bem aí! really
Continua o bom trabalho
lov u
P. S.: Erros?? Erros seria se eu me pussesse práki a escrever em inglÊs...hihi
Olá minha linda!
Fico mt feliz por tudo estar encaminhado =)
Estou mt orgulhosa desta menina que saiu da terrinha e partiu à luta!!
Como já deves ter reparado isto não é propriamente um comentário directo ao post, passei só para ver como anda a tua vida e para que saibas que nunca nos esquecemos de ti!! =)
Que Deus te abençoe mt nesta fase da tua vida, que o Seu amor seja uma constante em todos os dias.
beijinho grande
Percebi tudo,podias escrever mais na lingua de camões como a Laura disse!!!!Lol
beijinhos de
Jorge e
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