terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2007

What a fast month!!

Heya folks!! How are you doing??

It’s before a beautiful and sunny day that I’m writing to you today. But I have also the conscience that is absolutely FREEZING outside. No problem... Our flat is always “boiling”...
Ok... you may be wondering: “Why the hell is she writing in English??” It was not my idea at all. I’m just answering to what some readers asked me: “Please write a post in English...” Well... here I am...

I can’t believe that I have been here for a month by now... It all happened so fast!! It is really strange and weird at the beginning to live alone in a foreign country, with another language and cultures but I am getting used to that and I am enjoying everything that is going on around me, so far. The University, the Church, Christian Union (it’s unbelievable... we have been so many in the main meeting that we had to look for a larger room so we could all be seated!! The big thing is that we were in a very large room ALREADY... there were people seating on the floor or standing during the whole meeting – about two hours. It’s just amazing the number of people that have been coming along to the studies!!), the choir (we are many, too, but the room is huge!!)...

People have been great, so far!! My flatmates are very funny and... what can I say... active. Although sometimes the sink is a great mountain of plates and glasses (when I arrived today, Sam was doing his washing up and we now have a great, clean and empty kitchen sink...), the fridge is very well organized, actually. It’s a victory!!! In the church students have a very warm reception and I am feeling home, there. It is very similar to my church and there are really nice people that work with us (students) and make us feel like an individual that they want to know and care and not only as a part of a group that comes to the services every Sunday... The CU is a great place to meet other Christian students and you would be surprised for the number of “course mates” that I have found there!! There were about 250 students in the meetings and they are all great!! Everyone talks to you even if they don’t know you at all. I have met many people there, so far, from different ages and years...

The uni is going very well so far but now I have lots of coursework to do... Practical reports, essays, assessments, etc... Everything requires a great amount of study and dedication...

And that is what I’m gonna do now... Cell Biology Practical Report: here I go!!


P.S.: For those who are English experts, I apologise for any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes. It was only one month of real practice... J

6 comentários:

Pedro D.Sabbo disse...

Well well,

Ahh e tal blogs bilingues, como quem diz "Ahh e tal o meu blog é melhor có teu porque ta escrito em duas linguas"...podes esperar pelo meu proximo post, vai ser em Mandarim!!! té vais cair po lado!!!!

comentários a sério só sublinhando "what a fast month!" (por ca tmb ta a passar a correr). de pensar que a minha 1ª frequencia é ja dia 12 de Novembro...

Miss U
Pedro D. Sabbo

miguelito disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Anónimo disse...

agr fazias a traduçao noutro post!

Anónimo disse...

Lol (grande comment Miguel...)

I'm gonna try a new thing: a comment in English! Of course it won't be as good as your big English post (which, by the way, impressed me, congratulations!)... But, I'm gonna try to avoid the spelling and grammar mistakes that often screw me in English B1.1 with Ian Rowcliffe (luckily my accent is in the right place) x)

I got really excited with this post, you sounded like you are loving to be in Wales! What am I saying, you ARE loving to be there! Of course, life has its ups and downs, but nothing you can't manage, right?

I'm really happy that everything is going great there! Let me know if you, by any chance, get to see a member of the Royal Family, or just a hand, I'm not picky...

And that Sam looks like a great catch! eheheh...xP

Lots of kisses
Miss u a lot!

Anónimo disse...

Very good !! I can see a great progress in about 1 month only !! Sofar It looks like you are doing just fine in 2 of the 3 courses you are taking ! This is a very good balance . We are very proud of you .
Bola prá frente .
Daddy .

Anónimo disse...

Great!! You´re doing well!! Now try something less formal.... like...." I ´m gonna pop´ya nigga" and so on... Lol . keep going and you´ll soon speak like me...... or not.....;)